Monday, June 09, 2008

A trend I hope sticks around

I'm not a member of the punditocracy, and you won't find too much political content on this blog, but after a few days of paying close attention to the Gallup poll (yes, I know it's just an opinion poll, but where else am I going to look for this kind of gratification?), it appears that America may finally be coming to its senses. Can this be? On the heels of Hillary Clinton's withdrawal from the campaign (finally...) Barack Obama is now leading John McCain by a figure of 48% to 42%.

If we "Defeatocrats" can pull our act together, we'll finally win back the country and maybe, just maybe, in 16 years we'll begin to undo some of the damage of the previous 8.

Great escape

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow Mac enthusiast, blogger and Chuck Palahniuk fan, Mike Phillips. Ordinarily, this would not be something to blog home about, but he also happens to be the star of a recent episode of the This American Life series on Showtime. (If you haven't seen the show, you are missing out on one of the truly great experiences that television has to offer - it's definitely not the radio program on screen.)

After discovering his blog through the show's web site, I found his IM address and chatted him up for about half an hour at around 1:00 am.

He's the real deal, and a genuinely amazing story. I hope to keep in touch.

There's an absolutely stunning photo on his blog in the style of Annie Liebovitz. I won't say any more, but check it out for yourself.

Got 30 minutes to spare? If you don't have Showtime, the episode is available on Joost.