Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm willing to take that risk


On election day, I compiled a list of some of the most common reasons I've been emailed by people in the past few weeks as to why I shouldn't vote for Barack Obama. I could sit here and refute the charges line by line, but I'd rather not dignify some of them with a response. So I've come up with a answer that I will apply to all of them.

Barack Obama doesn't have any international experience.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama doesn't understand economics.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama favors the Geneva Convention for suspected terrorists.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama has a name that sounds like Osama bin Laden.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama has a relationship with Acorn, a group accused of encouraging "voter fraud."
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama has gotten a free pass by the "liberal" media.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama has the middle name Hussein, so he must be allied with terrorists.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is a "pro-abortion" extremist.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is a cult of personality.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is a target for assassination.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is against a border fence with Mexico.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is against all offshore drilling.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is an intellectual elitist who doesn't understand "middle America."
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is more popular in Europe than he is in the United States.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is the most liberal senator in congress.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is weak on support for Israel.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama is willing to meet with foreign dictators without preconditions.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama lacks the experience to be president.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama looks down on people who "cling to guns and religion."
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama served on a community board with William Ayers.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama supports "socialized" medicine.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama supports gay marriage and adoption.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around."
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama wants to downsize the military.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama wants to end the Iraq war and admit "defeat."
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama wants to take guns away from Americans.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama will increase the Federal deficit.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama will spend taxpayer money on social programs.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama's former pastor is an anti-American racist.
I'm willing to take that risk.

Barack Obama's wife is unpatriotic.
I'm willing to take that risk.

I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons not listed here to not vote for Barack Obama, but if choosing change is risky, keeping the status quo would be a disaster.

It's been said the greater the risk, the greater the reward. So I'm willing to take that risk.

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