Monday, December 01, 2008

Bush brackets administration by screwing working people

Remember way back in early 2001? You know, before our country was attacked by cavemen and we were thrown into a perpetual war from which we may never emerge?

Well, George W. Bush had just taken office, and was hard at work during his first 100 days destroying any pieces of Clinton's legacy he could get his hands on.

One of the ones that stuck out for me was the OSHA workplace ergonomics rules. You know, the ones that would have cut down on repetitive stress injuries which would have improved productivity and reduced medical costs? Well, it was deemed "too expensive" for businesses and simply thrown out, baby, bathwater and all.

Now, in his final days as The Decider, Bush is making sure to cement his legacy as the most evil president in American history by enacting new rules to deny everyone possible badly-needed protection from the health effects of toxic substances, some of which are known causes of cancer (or worse) such as: asbestos, benzene, cotton dust, formaldehyde, lead, silica, beryllium, diacetylvinyl chloride and blood-borne pathogens, including the virus that causes AIDS.

No crony left behind.

Bush signs repeal of ergonomic rules into law
    WASHINGTON — President Bush signed into law Tuesday a repeal of Clinton administration regulations that set new workplace ergonomic rules to combat repetitive stress injuries.

Bush Aides Rush to Enact a Rule Obama Opposes
    WASHINGTON — The Labor Department is racing to complete a new rule, strenuously opposed by President-elect Barack Obama, that would make it much harder for the government to regulate toxic substances and hazardous chemicals to which workers are exposed on the job.